Jack Eadon, Author, Khazad Doom, Gel Art Shoppe creator


When Jack shot advertising in his photography studio, he noticed one day how colors would swirl as they refracted through wavy glass. He wondered, “What if the swirls in the glass could actually move . . . over a variety of colors?”

He experimented with a proprietary camera set-up, some clear gel, a wooden fondue skewer, small pieces of colored cellophane, and a single light. After a month of research, the GELArt process was borne.

He produced images in a variety of color “Palettes,” and used them as he designed individual items for the GELArt Shoppe. (The collection of Palettes will be modified periodically!)

My GELArt is a metaphor for Tolle’s concept of life. For the “unconscious mind," it is constructed of the clutter that forms the “life situation," like the intricate details in my art. BUT, WHEN VIEWED AND EXPERIENCED AS A WHOLE—AND UNIQUE TO EACH OF US—BEAUTY RESOUNDS . . .